Saturday, October 25, 2008


So I went to see "W." the movie, I wasn't going to but curiosity killed the cat person. I found myself checking the time and wishing it would end! Sorry Oliver it was boring. Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing, well most of the time, but definitely not this time. I don't want to live with blinders on like in the generation of JFK where everything a president does is completely hidden. No one is super-human and we shouldn't pretend that our leaders are perfect, BUT...there should also be some basic respect for the man or woman who is leading our nation.

If our children can't respect our president (I don't mean always agree with him), then why should we expect them to respect anyone? Hey wait they don't....not teachers, parents or even local authorities. I do believe that respect should be earned by every individual in each of those above mentioned positions, but what happened to the respect for the position they hold? Is there a middle ground? Or will the lack of respect growing in our children and future generations continue until civilization no longer resembles anything civil?

Back to the movie review. Ok, George W. Bush was a wild drinking spoiled rich kid who rarely took responsibility for his own actions (according to Oliver Stone). And as a president he has made some major mistakes, don't think anyone would deny that. But how can you make a movie about anyone and only portray the negative parts of his life? Ya, that was the point, but it was annoying and inaccurate. I want my eight dollars back! I suppose maybe it is just my personality to demand the truth, the whole truth and not a fraction of the picture.

Let me end with a couple of thoughts. Do you remember where you were and what you were doing on 9/11? Imagine now those feelings and pretend for a moment that you were our president as that happened. Go ahead, pick up a whole nation and make that boo boo all better. Then staying in your role as president, sit back and watch helplessly as citizens of your own country sit on their roof tops waving for help for days because Hurricane Katrina has taken their homes, their whole city. I could go on but I think you get the point and I don't think any of us would have wanted to be in his shoes over the last eight years. Regardless of how you feel about George W. Bush today, please remember he is/was our President and he was a big enough man to wrap his arms around a nation and remind us all that we would be strong enough to go on. And we did.

1 comment:

Macotar said...

A well done objective blog. I wanted to see W. but heard it was pretty meh, after reading this, I don't think i'll stop by it on lifetime in 8 months.