Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What's in a name?

For over a year I have been toying with the idea of changing my last name. When I was divorced, going back to my maiden name Burt didn't seem logical since the girls were in school with their dad's name. Yes, Burt to Herbert and back again...yes laugh it is by far one of the dorkiest name changes ever! :) And in the event that I fall in love again, I never plan to remarry and who's to say he will have a better replacement to assist my name-induced trauma? Either way the girls are getting older and there is less of a need to match them like peas in a pod. Soon enough they will be married off and I will have grandchildren with completely random last names I'm sure. (that is not a request girls....I would be happy without grandchildren for many years! LOL) So 99% sure I would like to go with the new last name Snow. It is a family name on my mother's side and I think sounds solid but pretty at the same time. The girls actually like it too and want to change theirs as well, but we will have to get past their dad...so dunno if that will happen. So....Camille Snow. Whaddaya think?

Hope you all like it, because I filed papers this morning. :) (brave Cami Doodle)


Lindsay said...

Really? It sounds nice, but you'll have to put out a book of poetry to pull it off.

Camille Rochelle said...

On my list :) Hope the Burt's aren't offended...you know I love you guys!